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My Web Dev Conf 2023 takeaways
I attended my second Web Dev Conf this year, heres the key takeaways I got from it this time around.
How to center a div
Centering a div is something that I see come up a lot, so here's the best three methods to center a div.
The never ending dilema of woocommerce search
Through the many years I've been working on WooCommerce sites one thing that's always been a bit of an issue is finding a search that works fast and let's you fully tweak the UX to make it optimal for the user.
Creating my website with eleventy
Most of my work is building sites with a CMS (usually WordPress) for clients this way they can use it with no technical expertise, but I have technical expertise and with that in mind I decided a static site would more than meet my needs.
Do you really need a CSS framework?
CSS frameworks are very powerful tools, they can speed up the process of building your site but it can come at the cost of your site looking like many other sites out there if you don't take the time to go fully in depth on customisation.
Using AI to speed up code writing
I recently needed to modify a WooCommerce variable product page to output all the variations in a table with an add to basket button. This can of course be achieved using a plugin easily but I needed to pull some specific values in certain places so decided to write it myself.