Jamstack development
Jamstack delivers secure, fast and scalable websites running on minimal hosting.
Static-first development
Jamstack essentially means a static-first site build, the site won't be connected with a traditional CMS or a database.
What this means is that the pages are already put together content and all, this results in faster load times because time doesn't need to be taken to query a database or put various templates together like a traditional CMS.
Where Jamstack comes in
Traditionally the issue here would have been managing a static website, lots of parts get repeated across files and it gets hard to maintain, Jamstack solves this by introducing static site generators. A static site generator allows you to break the site into templates and it will then compile it into a static website thats ready to go onto your server. I use Eleventy and Netlify to achieve this as the two work together seamlessly.
Managing content
While this sounds like you won't be able to manage your content properly this is not the case. You can link the site up to a new kind of CMS which still lets you edit and write content for the site, one such example is Decap CMS (formerlly Netlify CMS).